Buses from Malaga airport to Loja

Malaga airport transfers to Loja

Below you can see the map with the travel route of our transfers from Aeropuerto De Málaga to Loja Spain. At the bottom of the map you will find the distance in kilometres in direct line to Loja Spain from Malaga airport and as well in road distance and furthermore all indications of how to get to Loja Spain by transfers and shuttle bus. You can drag the icon of the orange colored person, located in the upper left of the map to see pictures of specific points of Loja Spain road map and use the navigation system using the arrow keys or controls on the road map:

About Loja

Loja is a small town located in the province of Granada, halfway between Antequera and Granada. It is the birthplace of the river Rio Frio, which is perfect to relax and unwind. If you visit Loja you might be interested to enter the fortress, located on a hill in the highest part of the city, and the statue of Ali Al-Attar within the enclosure. Nearby it is also located the church Iglesia Mayor de la Encarnacion, the main and most important religious temple there. Other attractions are the Water Museum, the viewpoint Isabel Castilla, the fountain Fuente de la Mora or the Hermitage of San Roque.

How to get your transfer to Loja?

Prices for transfers to Loja if you would like to book our private transfer services.
Prices for Minibuses to Loja if you would like to use our bus service to reach your destination.

How to reach Loja from Malaga airport?