Private Buses from Malaga airport to Nerja

Malaga airport transfers to Nerja

Below you can see the map with the travel route of our transfers from Malaga Airport to Nerja. At the bottom of the map you will find the distance in kilometres in direct line to Nerja from Malaga airport and as well in road distance and furthermore all indications of how to get to Nerja by transfers and shuttle bus. You can drag the icon of the orange colored person, located in the upper left of the map to see pictures of specific points of Nerja road map and use the navigation system using the arrow keys or controls on the road map:

About Nerja

Nerja is a tourist dream destination available to everyone. Its beaches and coves are the most fascinating of all the province of Malaga, its houses and streets evoke feelings of being housed in a small provincial town with its own charm and traditional Andalusian style. The viewpoint of Balcon de Europa is a must both day and night and if you want to live an exceptional adventure let yourself be seduced by the mystery of the Caves of Nerja.

On the other hand, if you want to go to the beach in Nerja, we recommend the following as the best: Burriana Beach and Cala de Maro are two coastal areas recognized for their cleanliness and scenery. But also other beaches, like those on both sides of Balcon de Europa, Calahonda and Caletilla, can provide one of the best beach days on the Costa del Sol. You will also find quiet and secluded coves passing the town of Nerja going towards Granada.

How to get your transfer to Nerja?

Prices for transfers to Nerja if you would like to book our private transfer services.
Prices for Minibuses to Nerja if you would like to use our bus service to reach your destination.

Now you can learn more about this destination, please click on Nerja travel guide.

How to reach Nerja from Malaga airport?